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Comparison „Treehouse Attachments“:

Treehouse Screws (a.k.a. Tree Bolt, Tree Fastener, Tree Fixation) are special steel screws for fastening treehouses in the living tree. There are several manufacturers where you can buy them:

Garnier Limb „GL“ Treehouse Attachment Bolt „TAB“ Treehouse Fastener „TAB Bolt“ German Treehouse Screw „GTS“
Michael Garnier, USA Pete Nelson, USA Treehouse Supplies, USA TheTreehouse.Shop, Germany

All “tree screws” work according to the same principle, the only differences are in the manufacturing quality, the service (know-how, professional advice) and the product prices. The products of the different manufacturers cannot be combined with each other!

The original “Garnier Limb GL” was developed in the USA over 20 years ago by treehouse pioneers Michael Garnier, Charles Greenwood and later Pete Nelson (TV series).  TheTreehouse.Shop (GTS) is the only manufacturer from Europe that works with metric measurements [mm]!

Our German Treehouse Screw (GTS) is the latest generation of Professional Treehouse Attachment worldwide! As the name suggests, it is manufactured directly in Germany (near Munich) and shipped worldwide. Based on the American model, we have further perfected the treehouse screw – Our goal is to offer the best and safest screws worldwide!

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