Often branches get in the way when building a treehouse, these may be removed in moderation – but you should not cut back more than 5% of the crown / entire foliage. Important: Never break off branches, this will cause extensive injuries, which provide a target for fungi and insects.
- Branches should be sawn off with a sharp saw in such a way that the cut surface is as small as possible (clean cross-section).
- Larger branches are under tension; trim these branches gradually before making the final cut.
- Do not saw off the branches directly at the trunk, but leave a small 2-3 cm stump. And always remember: cut as small as possible!
- Dead wood i.e., dead tree parts should be removed, as they are a danger when falling down.
Please: Leave everything on that does not necessarily have to be removed. Handle branches and leaves carefully, as they are the tree’s primary energy source. Every removed branch weakens the organism, at a time when it already has to deal with the additional load of the tree house anyway.
- If possible, one builds around the large branches or integrates them into the tree house.
- Smaller branches can often be bent away and tied with a rope.