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When dry construction timber comes into contact with water, it absorbs the moisture and swells. A fully soaked board tends to “bowl”, i.e. it curves because the heartwood and sapwood swell to different degrees.

Correctly lay the decking boards with the core side = “right side” facing upwards (see picture):

The core side up has the following advantages:

  • Rainwater and dirt run off more quickly.
  • The boards dry faster – they are less slippery (less moss and dirt accumulation).
  • The decking screws are not pulled out of the board.

Exception – core side down (right side down):

The heartwood of spruce, pine and larch in particular tends to splinter under heavy use, which can be very unpleasant when walking barefoot. Even if the core side looks ugly or parts have already splintered, turn the board with the core facing downwards (bottom right-hand side).

Pro tip:

Take a close look at each board, sort out the ugly ones and move them to places where they won’t be needed much later.
As a lot of leaves, needles and dirt accumulate in the tree house, leave a slightly larger gap (10 – 12 mm; 0,4 – 0,48 in) between the boards so that the dirt can fall easily between them (when brushing).

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